
Bartle & Gibson's 2022 Electrical Field Marketing Summit

Apr 4, 2022
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After two years of not being able to meet, present, collaborate and network in-person, Bartle & Gibson was excited to organize two Field Marketing Summits for its electrical division. The first summit took place in Surrey, BC on March 15th and 16th for our British Columbia market, while the second summit took place on March 29th and 30th in Calgary, AB for our Alberta and Saskatchewan markets.

Both summits gave key partners the opportunity to present new products, strategies, and opportunities to the staff members of Bartle & Gibson. There were also networking dinners at both summits.  In each conversation and presentation, there was a general sense of excitement of the positive growth seen in the past year, and of the future possibilities of further grow that lie ahead.

Bartle & Gibson would like to take the opportunity to thank all staff members, partners and everyone else that were apart of making the events such a success. We also want to extend a special thank you to the AD team for presenting and attending our Calgary event, and for flying out all the way from Ontario to attend.

We look forward to seeing everyone next year at the 2023 Electrical Field Marketing Summit.